Friday, November 13, 2015

I totally agree with David Acosta on his blog post Legalize the Use of Recreational Marijuana! Acosta gives a very reasonable argument on this topic. He talks about how legalizing marijuana will helps America's financial status, and bring the rate of crime down. He backs both of these thoughts up with his interpretation of what would happen and the benefits in doing so. Acosta goes on about how the government could tax marijuana and make money from the taxes. This would bring more money to the government and like he said it could go towards helping our debt. He also talks about how it is safer compared to other legal substances like tobacco. I totally agree with him on that statement. Tobacco leads to cancer and many other negative health related issues. Another substance that is legal but also does serious damage to a person is alcohol. People can get alcohol poisoning and die, unlike marijuana which you can not consume too much of and die. It is kind of weird how a substance that has no linked deaths and can ruin a persons life (getting arrested and going to jail) is illegal, unlike tobacco and alcohol which have been linked to the deaths of people. There would be pros if the recreational use of marijuana was allowed in the United States.

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