Friday, October 30, 2015

After hearing the news about the FDA and their tobacco deeming regulations I was surprised. The FDA plans to ban 99%-plus of vapor products. Vapes do not even come close to the damage cigarettes cause. Vapes are a healthier alternative to smoking and it has the possibility to become banned. Congress needs to to support and cosponsor HR 285 which is a bill that will prevent this from happening.

If the tobacco deeming regulations go through it will have some consequences. First off many people would be upset with this choice. On October 28th tens of thousands people called the white house urging president Obama to reconsider the  damage that will be caused by what the FDA is trying to do. Another consequence would be the loss of online business and stores. They would have to shut down due to the fact that they will not be able to sell the products they carry because it will be banned.

What will be left is what the big tobacco companies have to offer. Nothing else. All the variations will be taken away and people will be turned off to the idea of vaping. People will either have to quit smoking all together or go back to cigarettes. I personally do not think that this is a good idea. Why take away what the people want? Obviously there is not chemicals like what are found in cigarettes involved in the process of making the liquid for the vapes. The only similar ingredient is nicotine. The e-liquid is generally made of four ingredients: nicotine, vegetable glycerin, propylene gylcol, and flavoring. Unlike all the harmful components involved in cigarettes this contains none. The government really needs to reconsider letting the FDA do this.



  2. I believe that Michael is correct in his blog, Insight on U.S. Government. Vapes were created as alternatives for smokers to to help them quit. They are healthier for the body than actual cigarettes, and lower the chances of getting lung cancer or any other decease caused by smoking. Studies encourages any smoker to switch from cigarettes to vapes because they are 95% safer and don't contain dangerous levels of aldehydes. Taking this alternative away will cause those who use vapes to go back to cigarettes because well all know it's not easy to go back from an addiction. The American Heart Association states that e-cigarettes either do not contain or have lower levels of several tobacco-derived harmful and potentially harmful constituents compared with cigarettes and smokeless tobacco.
    There's only a few ways to look at the problem. Would the people feel more comfortable being around smokers or others who don't contain and cigarette smoke because the smoke e-cigarettes? They're odorless, much less harmless, and studies have shown how they really do help people quit smoking.

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  5. I think the FDA's proposal to completely ban vapor products is a bit extensive. Yes, as recent research has shown, there are harmful chemicals in vapor liquids as Fernando has stated but there are harmful chemicals in cigarettes also. Their proposal seems very discriminatory towards the vapor industry which causes suspicion. Taking the conversation down that path would hint at conspiracy and corruption but for the sake of this conversation, I'll just say I agree with my classmates that banning vapor products will do more harm than good.

    I do casually smoke cigarettes and eventually want to quit. I also have many friends that used to smoke and they now use e-cigs to curb their addiction. If the FDA were to completely ban vapor products, I feel like that would really hinder our chances of quitting this bad habit that we all agree is both bad for us and at the same time incredibly addictive. In a negative way, they are banning the lesser of two evils.
